SPELL - Nematode - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Custodia N et al., 2001 6 Caenorhabditis elegans as an environmental monitor using DNA microarray analysis.
GEO Record: GSE2970 Platform: GPL2652 GPL2653
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00005124.ce.mr.csv (details)
Von Stetina SE et al., 2007 6 UNC-4 represses CEH-12/HB9 to specify synaptic inputs to VA motor neurons in C. elegans.
GEO Record: GSE32467 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00029115.ce.mr.csv (details)
Roy PJ et al., 2002 6 Chromosomal clustering of muscle-expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE2971 Platform: GPL2653
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00005428.ce.mr.csv (details)
Derry WB et al., 2007 6 Regulation of developmental rate and germ cell proliferation in Caenorhabditis elegans by the p53 gene network.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00028948.ce.mr.csv (details)
Kirienko NV et al., 2008 6 Coordinated regulation of intestinal functions in C. elegans by LIN-35/Rb and SLR-2.
GEO Record: GSE9246 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00031832.ce.mr.csv (details)
Grove CA et al., 2009 6 A multiparameter network reveals extensive divergence between C. elegans bHLH transcription factors.
GEO Record: GSE15762 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00034761.ce.mr.csv (details)
Zisoulis DG et al., 2010 6 Comprehensive discovery of endogenous Argonaute binding sites in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE19138 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00035588.ce.mr.csv (details)
Bolz DD et al., 2010 6 A conserved PMK-1/p38 MAPK is required in caenorhabditis elegans tissue-specific immune response to Yersinia pestis infection.
GEO Record: GSE20053 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00035892.ce.mr.csv (details)
Skjeldam HK et al., 2010 6 Loss of Caenorhabditis elegans UNG-1 uracil-DNA glycosylase affects apoptosis in response to DNA damaging agents.
GEO Record: GSE21467 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00036291.ce.mr.csv (details)
Smith CJ et al., 2010 6 Time-lapse imaging and cell-specific expression profiling reveal dynamic branching and molecular determinants of a multi-dendritic nociceptor in C. elegans.
GEO Record: GSE21162 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00036375.ce.mr.csv (details)
Takayama J et al., 2010 6 Single-cell transcriptional analysis of taste sensory neuron pair in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00035424.ce.mr.csv (details)
Irazoqui JE et al., 2010 6 Distinct pathogenesis and host responses during infection of C. elegans by P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.
GEO Record: GSE21819 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00036464.ce.mr.csv (details)
Laing ST et al., 2010 6 Characterization of the xenobiotic response of Caenorhabditis elegans to the anthelmintic drug albendazole and the identification of novel drug glucoside metabolites.
GEO Record: GSE21747 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00037704.ce.mr.csv (details)
Pferdehirt RR et al., 2011 6 An MLL/COMPASS subunit functions in the C. elegans dosage compensation complex to target X chromosomes for transcriptional regulation of gene expression.
GEO Record: GSE25831 GSE25834 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00038180.ce.mr.csv (details)
Sun J et al., 2011 6 Neuronal GPCR controls innate immunity by regulating noncanonical unfolded protein response genes.
GEO Record: GSE27867 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00038304.ce.mr.csv (details)
Ward JD et al., 2014 6 Defects in the C. elegans acyl-CoA synthase, acs-3, and nuclear hormone receptor, nhr-25, cause sensitivity to distinct, but overlapping stresses.
GEO Record: GSE48605 Platform: GPL5859
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00045015.ce.mr.csv (details)
Kouns NA et al., 2011 6 NHR-23 dependent collagen and hedgehog-related genes required for molting.
GEO Record: GSE32031 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040185.ce.mr.csv (details)
Zhang T et al., 2012 6 Caenorhabditis elegans RNA-processing protein TDP-1 regulates protein homeostasis and life span.
GEO Record: GSE34113 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040603.ce.mr.csv (details)
Tsyusko O et al., 2012 6 Toxicogenomic responses of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans to gold nanoparticles.
GEO Record: GSE32521 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040821.ce.mr.csv (details)
Jovanovic M et al., 2012 6 RIP-chip-SRM--a new combinatorial large-scale approach identifies a set of translationally regulated bantam/miR-58 targets in C. elegans.
GEO Record: GSE32941 GSE32943 GSE32944 Platform: GPL14724
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040925.ce.mr.csv (details)
Pukkila-Worley R et al., 2012 6 Stimulation of host immune defenses by a small molecule protects C. elegans from bacterial infection.
GEO Record: GSE37266 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00041211.ce.mr.csv (details)
Mikolas P et al., 2013 6 GEI-8, a homologue of vertebrate nuclear receptor corepressor NCoR/SMRT, regulates gonad development and neuronal functions in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE40127 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00042128.ce.mr.csv (details)
Zarse K et al., 2012 6 Impaired insulin/IGF1 signaling extends life span by promoting mitochondrial L-proline catabolism to induce a transient ROS signal.
GEO Record: GSE36041 Platform: GPL13776
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040959.ce.rs.csv (details)
Thomas CG et al., 2012 6 Simplification and desexualization of gene expression in self-fertile nematodes.
GEO Record: GSE41367 Platform: GPL13776 GPL13657 GPL13776 GPL16135 GPL16136 GPL16137 GPL16138 GPL16139 GPL16140 GPL16141
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00041689.ce.rs.csv (details)
Jackson BM et al., 2014 6 Use of an activated beta-catenin to identify Wnt pathway target genes in caenorhabditis elegans, including a subset of collagen genes expressed in late larval development.
GEO Record: GSE51502 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00044857.ce.mr.csv (details)
Saul N et al., 2014 6 Neurotoxic action of microcystin-LR is reflected in the transcriptional stress response of Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00045807.ce.mr.csv (details)
Horn M et al., 2014 6 DRE-1/FBXO11-dependent degradation of BLMP-1/BLIMP-1 governs C. elegans developmental timing and maturation.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00045017.ce.rs.csv (details)
Canuelo A et al., 2015 6 Gene expression profiling to investigate tyrosol-induced lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE57664 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00046639.ce.mr.csv (details)
Kniazeva M et al., 2015 6 A Lipid-TORC1 Pathway Promotes Neuronal Development and Foraging Behavior under Both Fed and Fasted Conditions in C.elegans.
GEO Record: GSE64973 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00046678.ce.mr.csv (details)
Stadler M et al., 2013 6 Conserved translatome remodeling in nematode species executing a shared developmental transition.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00045465.ce.rs.csv (details)