SPELL - Nematode - Dataset Listing
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Publication Num.
Brief Description PubMed ID
Sahu SN et al., 2013 9 Genomic analysis of stress response against arsenic in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE39012 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00043980.ce.mr.csv (details)
Pferdehirt RR et al., 2013 9 SUMOylation is essential for sex-specific assembly and function of the Caenorhabditis elegans dosage compensation complex on X chromosomes.
GEO Record: GSE48347 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00044197.ce.mr.csv (details)
Schmeisser K et al., 2013 9 Role of sirtuins in lifespan regulation is linked to methylation of nicotinamide.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00044260.ce.rs.csv (details)
Gout JF et al., 2013 9 Large-scale detection of in vivo transcription errors.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00044391.ce.rs.csv (details)
Gonzalez-Aguilera C et al., 2014 9 Genome-wide analysis links emerin to neuromuscular junction activity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE44682 Platform: GPL13776
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00044786.ce.rs.csv (details)
Nousch M et al., 2014 9 The cytoplasmic poly(A) polymerases GLD-2 and GLD-4 promote general gene expression via distinct mechanisms.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00045729.ce.rs.csv (details)
McEwan DL et al., 2016 9 Tribbles ortholog NIPI-3 and bZIP transcription factor CEBP-1 regulate a Caenorhabditis elegans intestinal immune surveillance pathway.
GEO Record: GSE87052 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00050515.ce.mr.csv (details)
Arndts K et al., 2014 9 Immunoepidemiological profiling of onchocerciasis patients reveals associations with microfilaria loads and ivermectin intake on both individual and community levels.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00048621.ovo.rs.csv (details)
Kang D et al., 2018 9 Pyoverdine, a siderophore from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, translocates into C. elegans, removes iron, and activates a distinct host response.
GEO Record: GSE95510 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00053827.ce.mr.csv (details)
Romiguier J et al., 2014 10 Comparative population genomics in animals uncovers the determinants of genetic diversity.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00046067.cbn.rs.csv (details)
Chi W et al., 2006 10 Promotion of oogenesis and embryogenesis in the C. elegans gonad by EFL-1/DPL-1 (E2F) does not require LIN-35 (pRB).
GEO Record: GSE5071 Platform: GPL3859 GPL3860
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00027758.ce.mr.csv (details)
Maxwell C et al., 2012 10 Nutritional control of mRNA isoform expression during developmental arrest and recovery in C. elegans.
GEO Record: GSE33023 Platform: GPL14752
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00041010.ce.rs.csv (details)
Arczewska KD et al., 2013 10 Active transcriptomic and proteomic reprogramming in the C. elegans nucleotide excision repair mutant xpa-1.
GEO Record: GSE39252 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00042234.ce.mr.csv (details)
Guijarro-Hernandez A et al., 2023 10 Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals JAK2/MPL-Independent Effects of Calreticulin Mutations in a C. elegans Model.
GEO Record: GSE201599 Platform: GPL19230
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00064957.ce.mr.csv (details)
Studencka M et al., 2012 10 Novel roles of Caenorhabditis elegans heterochromatin protein HP1 and linker histone in the regulation of innate immune gene expression.
GEO Record: GSE25714 Platform: GPL7727
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040410.ce.mr.csv (details)
Colosimo ME et al., 2004 11 Identification of thermosensory and olfactory neuron-specific genes via expression profiling of single neuron types.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00024671.ce.mr.csv (details)
Park SK et al., 2009 11 Oxidative stress and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans as mediated by SKN-1.
GEO Record: GSE9301 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00034757.ce.mr.csv (details)
Topalidou I et al., 2011 11 Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00040420.ce.mr.csv (details)
Maures TJ et al., 2014 11 Males shorten the life span of C. elegans hermaphrodites via secreted compounds.
GEO Record: GSE51691 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00044535.ce.mr.csv (details)
Robert VJ et al., 2014 12 The SET-2/SET1 histone H3K4 methyltransferase maintains pluripotency in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline.
GEO Record: GSE61094 Platform: GPL10094
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00045861.ce.mr.csv (details)
Sonoda S et al., 2016 12 Sperm Affects Head Sensory Neuron in Temperature Tolerance of Caenorhabditis elegans.
GEO Record: GSE81409 Platform: GPL10094
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00049736.ce.mr.csv (details)
Baugh LR et al., 2003 12 Composition and dynamics of the Caenorhabditis elegans early embryonic transcriptome.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00005767.ce.mr.csv (details)
Gao AW et al., 2018 12 Identification of key pathways and metabolic fingerprints of longevity in C. elegans.
GEO Record: GSE106672 Platform: GPL21109
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00055386.ce.mr.csv (details)
Reichert K et al., 2005 12 Expression profiling of five different xenobiotics using a Caenorhabditis elegans whole genome microarray.
GEO Record: GSE4111 Platform: GPL2646 GPL2655 GPL2766 GPL3097 GPL3396
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00026820.ce.mr.csv (details)
Wang P et al., 2006 12 Identification of novel target genes of CeTwist and CeE/DA.
GEO Record: GSE2862 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00027104.ce.mr.csv (details)
Asikainen S et al., 2010 12 Global microRNA expression profiling of Caenorhabditis elegans Parkinson's disease models.
GEO Record: GSE14899 Platform: GPL8200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00035654.ce.mr.csv (details)
Pujol N et al., 2008 12 Anti-fungal innate immunity in C. elegans is enhanced by evolutionary diversification of antimicrobial peptides.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00032031_2.ce.mr.csv (details)
Viswanathan M et al., 2005 12 A role for SIR-2.1 regulation of ER stress response genes in determining C. elegans life span.
GEO Record: GSE4402 GSE4093 GSE4094 GSE4095 Platform: GPL3390 GPL3391
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00026929.ce.mr.csv (details)
Merris M et al., 2007 12 Differential gene expression of Caenorhabditis elegans grown on unmethylated sterols or 4alpha-methylsterols.
GEO Record: N.A. Platform: N.A.
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00029087.ce.mr.csv (details)
Krajacic P et al., 2009 12 C. elegans dysferlin homolog fer-1 is expressed in muscle, and fer-1 mutations initiate altered gene expression of muscle enriched genes.
GEO Record: GSE16753 Platform: GPL200
Download gene-centric, log2 transformed data: WBPaper00035197.ce.mr.csv (details)